Mister Big Stuff: A Single Mom Friends to Lovers Novel Read online

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  It was a photograph of me and some of the other neighborhood kids. I was about sixteen, but what caught my eye was the pretty blonde in the center. Allison had been about fourteen at the time.

  “Look at the way she looked at you. Boy, did she have a crush. I really thought you’d never notice, but I guess I was wrong.”

  “Yeah, I noticed. I think she was the only person I could really talk to, you know? When things got really bad here at home, I could go over across the street, and she’d listen.”

  Missy made a frustrated sound. “Yeah, I’m sure she hung on your every word. She used to drive me crazy asking me questions about you. The last thing I wanted to do was talk about my bratty little brothers, but she wanted to know everything about you. She once asked me if you had any food allergies. She wanted to bake you some cookies but was afraid you were allergic to nuts. She didn’t want to make you sick. I told her you only liked oatmeal.”

  “Your favorite, right? I hated oatmeal, but how was I supposed to tell her?”

  “You didn’t eat them, did you?” She laughed, flipping through the photographs.

  “I choked those cookies down, but you know, after the fifth or sixth batch of them, I actually started to like them. To this day, they’re my favorite, and I can’t eat one without thinking of her.”

  “That’s sweet. You know, her family still lives across the street. You should go over and say hello before you head back into town.”

  “I might do that.”

  “I really thought you’d end up marrying her.”

  “She deserved better than a military husband, and I couldn’t ask her to wait for me while I followed my dreams. Besides, she’s the one who stopped writing me.”

  “Wow, you sound like a little kid. You know, she’s divorced now. She’s got a kid, too.”

  “Yeah? Wow. Have you seen her?”

  “I’ve talked to her mother a few times, asked her to keep an eye over here. They came to Dad’s funeral.”

  “That’s right. I was so out of it. I remember seeing them, but I didn’t think to ask them about Allison.”

  “She came to the visitation, but I never saw her. I thought you might have.”

  “No, she must have slipped in when we were talking with the priest.” I wondered why she hadn’t waited. Perhaps she’d felt like I’d abandoned her, too, by going away. I couldn’t expect anyone to wait for me. The time we spent when I’d come home on leave after her graduation had been special, and even though I knew I wanted her, I kept telling myself I wasn’t good enough. She deserved better.

  The conversation lulled, and then the girls knocked over a lamp which brought Missy to her feet. As she went to yell at them, I tucked the photo into the box with the others and got up to go work on some packing.

  I spent the next hour going through my father’s suits. I packed a box of his ties for me and Blaine to go through, knowing he’d want to keep a few, too. Then I walked the stuff out to my Jeep, which I’d driven because it had more space than my Cobra, and suddenly, yelling brought my head up. Across the street, a man stood with his back to me, and he was leaning over someone, raising his voice. My first thought was the man was harassing Allison’s parents, and I knew I better keep my eye on things, just in case something happened. Was the man someone they knew? He stepped away and got into his car, slamming the door. And that’s when I saw her. Allison stood with her arms crossed as the asshole backed out of the driveway and drove off. Just when I was about to say hello, a small, blond-haired girl came out and took her hand.

  She was a small version of her mother. My heart filled with so much happiness for Allison, yet ached with envy because she had something I’d wanted for ages: a daughter. And she’d done it all without me.

  Chapter 6


  Doug’s tires squealed as he turned down another street on his way home, and I looked around, hoping none of the neighbors were offended. That was when I saw him standing outside next to a large, black Jeep. I hadn’t even noticed the cars at the house when I’d come out, but then again, I’d been focused on Sierra’s return.

  My cheeks burned with the sting of embarrassment when I realized what he’d saw. Doug’s tirade had surely gotten his attention.

  “Allison?” He stepped out into the sunny street, and I walked over to the sidewalk to meet him.

  “Hello, David.” Now my cheeks burned for a totally different reason, and the warmth spread through me in places that hadn’t had anyone’s attention but my own since the divorce.

  When he’d returned from the Air Force after my graduation from high school, he’d matured so much that I barely recognized him. His body was no longer that of a teenager, but one of a man, but now, he’d matured even more. His entire frame had changed. He had broader shoulders, tighter, bulkier muscles, and tattoos peeking from beneath his shirt collar. He wore a trimmed beard now, too, but his eyes, those dark blue, soulful eyes that had always looked like they were full of wisdom and lust, they were the same. They were home.

  His own eyes trailed along my body, and then he seemed to snap out of his daze when Sierra spoke.


  “Hi.” He looked at her like she had three heads, and then he smiled up at me. “The advances we humans are making. I had no idea you’d been cloned.” He looked back to Sierra and held out his hand, which she quickly took. “I’m David.”

  “I’m Sierra.” Sierra’s smile was followed by a little giggle.

  “Well, it’s nice to meet you, Sierra. That’s a beautiful name.” My heart was beating out of my chest, watching the two of them meet, and I was proud Sierra was so polite.

  “Thank you. David’s pretty cool, too.” She let out another giggle.

  “How have you been?” He finally turned his attention to me, and those lustful eyes of his seemed to undress me. Or at least I wanted them to.

  “I’m doing okay. You know, doing the parent thing.” I gave a casual shrug and glanced down at Sierra.

  “Yeah, well, it looks good on you. You were going to school the last I heard.”

  “Mama just graduated,” Sierra said, sounding like a twenty-year-old.

  “Business.” I spoke up and brushed my daughter’s hair back from her face.

  His brows raised. “Oh yeah? I wondered what you’d studied. How’s that going?”

  “I’m still looking for something. Right now, I’m working at Marjorie’s across town. You know, while I look for something else.” Telling him I was working in the diner was the most embarrassing moment I’d had in ages. I’d always been taught to have pride in every job I did, as long as it was honest and the money was hard-earned, but I hated that I hadn’t landed a better job for me and my daughter. “Finding a good job has been tougher than I thought.”

  “Yeah, in this economy? It’s rough.” He looked down the road where Doug made his exit. “What was that all about?”

  My cheeks burned even more. In fact, my entire body felt feverish, and I had tingles in all the right places, my body longing for the touch he’d once given me.

  “Yeah. That was embarrassing enough when I didn’t think anyone was witnessing it.” I let out a breath and felt the tension slowly start to fade.

  “Don’t worry about it. It’s just me.” He shrugged it off like it was nothing. And it felt good to know he still held the same regard for me, that our past still meant something to him. “So, you’re looking for something. You know, I’m in need of a personal assistant, someone who might be interested in PR work.”

  He shifted on his feet, and Sierra walked over and took his hand. It didn’t seem to faze him in the least, and he smiled at her and closed his hand around hers.

  “That would be amazing. Could I get an interview?” My heart raced at the possibility of working by his side. Seeing him every day was either going to be the most amazing job or the worst. It all rode on if he were seeing anyone. The thought of him with someone else had my stomach in knots.

  He gave a lit
tle chuckle and looked down at my daughter, who was smiling up at him and holding his hand like they’d known each other for years. “Of course.”

  About that time, I heard someone call from across the street. “David? Where are you?” Missy stepped from around the Jeep, and her eyes widened with surprise as she saw me and Sierra.

  “I’m over here, Miss,” he called to his sister.

  Sierra let go of his hand, and her eyes widened as she stepped back over and held onto my arm.

  “Well, no wonder you didn’t come back in.” Missy gave him a sly look and then stepped up to hug me. Then Missy focused on my kid.

  “Sierra, this is David’s sister, Missy.”

  “Hi, honey. Wow, she looks just like you, but look at those dark blue eyes.” She turned and look at her brother then back at Sierra.

  I cleared my throat. “Her father has blue eyes.”

  “Must be your thing, blue-eyed men.” She gave me a wink, and I couldn’t help but let out a giggle which made me feel twelve years old again. Back then, I’d followed him around like a lovesick puppy, and Missy, who had been my babysitter for years, was my go-to for all things David.

  “I suppose so.” I rocked on my feet a bit, and Sierra laid her head on my arm.

  “We’re going to have to catch up one day,” Missy said. “Where are you working?”

  David cut me off. “Allison’s actually just finished school and is going to interview with me. We were just making arrangements when you showed up.” He was all business now when it came to me, and then, as he looked down at Sierra and winked, I heard a little giggle bubble from her chest. Maybe I’d mistaken his kindness toward my daughter and sympathy for my situation as flirting.

  “That would be great,” Missy said. A little voice called from across the road, and Missy let out a sigh. “Well, I’ll leave you three alone. I’ll be in touch. We should get the girls together for a playdate or something.”

  “That would be fun, thanks.” Sierra squeezed my hand, and I wasn’t sure what she thought of the idea. I wouldn’t ask in front of David.

  As soon as Missy was gone, Sierra turned her attention back to David. “Is that your big black car?” She pointed across the street, and his eyes followed.

  “Yes, that’s my Jeep. The top comes off and everything.”

  “You mean it comes apart?” She looked at him with the most incredible look, like he was pulling her leg.

  “Yes, and as a matter of fact, the entire thing comes apart. The doors, the top. I can even pull the seats out if I want.”

  “You’re teasing.” She walked over and took his hand again, swinging his arm as she looked up at him. I’d never seen her interact with anyone like that, not even her own father, who hadn’t given her that much conversation in ages.

  “I’m not. I’ll have to take you for a ride sometime and show you.”

  “Can we for real?” Sierra turned and jumped up and down, giving me a pleading look.

  “We’ll see.” I brushed my fingers through her hair again, but she stepped away and hugged David who was a bit taken by surprise but knelt down to her level.

  “If we get to go, I’ll even let you help me take the Jeep apart. It’s really like a big toy. You’ll see.”

  Sierra put her arm around his neck. “I believe you, David.”

  That brought a chuckle from him as he looked up at me.

  I cleared my throat. “Would you mind if we exchanged numbers?” I felt like an idiot asking, and I wished it wasn’t such an awkward question. We’d known each other our entire lives, but time and distance had changed things some, even if we still respected and treasured our past.

  “Of course. Call the office on Monday, and I’ll let you know when I can see you about that interview.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out an embossed business card.

  “I’d appreciate the opportunity. I’ve not had any luck.” I didn’t want to sound too desperate, but my mind reeled at the possibility of working for him and how much it would change mine and Sierra’s lives.

  With the larger salary, we could do things and have things that I couldn’t provide for her on my minimum wage and tips that I was getting from Marjorie’s. I’d be able to send her to college one day, without the help of her sorry-ass father.

  “Now, you get to do me the honor.” He gave me a seductive look as he stepped closer and held out his phone.

  I typed in my number. His nose turned toward my hair, and he breathed in deeply. “You still smell the same.” I looked up, and he’d closed his eyes, a soft smile spreading his lips.

  “I hope that’s a good thing.” Our eyes met, and he seemed too full of emotion for a moment, like he was lost for what to say or maybe choosing the right words.

  “It’s a good thing, Allison. It’s like all the good memories of my life are in your scent. You know, they say our sense of smell is the strongest for bringing us back. I guess it’s true.” He was close enough to kiss, and an aching desire to do so burned through me. I could have sworn my lips swelled with desire and anticipation, but then he stepped back, the magic of the moment ebbing with him.

  “I feel that, too. Just seeing you and Missy brings me back. Life’s gotten so complicated. I missed the simpler times when all we had was school and our friends to worry about.”

  He patted Sierra’s head and stroked her long blonde locks. “These little ones don’t know how easy they have it, do they?” He let loose a breath and looked back to his childhood home. “I guess I should get back to work before Missy wrings my neck.”

  “I’m glad I got to see you. Call me. You know, about the job.” I wished I could take the words back and redo them. I probably sounded like an idiot.

  “I will.” He took Sierra’s hand and kissed it. “It was a pleasure meeting you, young lady. You take care of your mom, okay?”

  Sierra, the little charmer, giggled. “Okay. See you later, David.”

  “I have a feeling you will.” He flashed me a wink and walked away.

  I stood there a moment, just watching him go. His ass looked so amazing in his jeans, and I’d noticed his package in the front as well. I let out a breath and turned to go inside, fanning myself.

  “Are you hot, Mama?” Sierra gave me a worried look.

  “Yeah, it must be all this sunshine.” The unseasonably warm day had not only been beautiful, but magical.

  Sierra stopped, and we both looked across the lawn toward his house. “I like him, Mama.”

  I breathed a shallow sigh. “Me too, baby. Me too.”

  Chapter 7


  Monday’s morning wood would normally be ignored, but ever since I’d run into Allison, I’d had a hard time keeping it down. Now, it lay rigid, burning against my flesh like a hot length of steel. I reached beneath the covers and gripped it tightly, feeling the scorching erection, which practically pulsed in my hand.

  I pumped my fist as I closed my eyes, thinking about her, and I imagined myself kissing those soft lips of hers and then going down on her to taste her sweet little peach. My mouth watered at the thought, and I let my palm glide across my head, spreading the fluid that had leaked.

  When we’d made love before, she’d been so timid and had let me guide her, but I had a feeling that her maturity and experience would make her more confident and hopefully a little eager for pleasure. I knew the chances I was beating my dick to another man’s wife were pretty high, but she’d been my girl first, and a little fantasy wouldn’t hurt.

  I couldn’t wait to get her in my office for the interview, and I knew damn well I was going to turn on my charm and try to seduce her. I cupped my balls and gave them a little tug, imagining her on her knees under my desk, sucking my cock. In all the fantasies of a naughty secretary I could fathom, I’d never imagined Allison working at DeVant with me. I already knew I was going to hire her on the spot.

  I wondered about the jerk who’d been yelling at her. If he was her husband and the little girl’s father, he didn’t d
eserve either one of them. Maybe if she were in an unhappy marriage, she’d need a soft shoulder to lean on. It was a dirty thought. Imagining myself coming between two people’s marriage wasn’t my style, but this was all a fantasy, and anything goes in a daydream.

  I missed the younger Allison, who looked at me like she couldn’t breathe without me. I imagined myself with her again, her nice, young body against mine, my thoughts trapped somewhere between her then and her now. She was still firm, and slim, and sexy, but now, her eyes were no longer lit with the same wonder, with the same hope.

  I thought of her crawling up from the floor, lifting a tight, black pencil skirt to reveal she’d forgotten her panties before she straddled my lap and the cock she’d just been sucking. Her tight, virgin pussy wrapping around my cock had been heaven, and I’d kissed and sucked her tight, budding nipples. There was so much past with her, and I could close my eyes, remember the past, and project the future. I wanted to be with her again, somehow, some way.

  It couldn’t be the end for us; it couldn’t be the last time I’d ever taste that sweet pussy and fuck her until she called my name. I needed her slick pussy pulsing and milking. I grabbed my cock, squeezing and releasing until it was her body. I could feel every inch of me buried inside of her, and as I pressed tight into her sweet hole, I blasted my load. Tiny droplets splashed all over my pierced nipples and chest. Fuck. I opened my eyes and realized I was biting my lip.

  I rolled out of bed and went for a hot shower before getting dressed for the day. The fantasy had me stirred up, and I could have kicked myself for not asking if she was married. Surely, she was, with the little girl, and if Sierra’s charm was any indication of her father’s, I was shit out of luck. The little girl was amazing, and seeing a mini Allison again was a trip back in time.