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Keeping Secrets Page 15

  “Apparently, I was waiting for you to make all my dirty daydreams come true,” he whispered against my ear.

  “Glad I could be of service.” I gave up trying to hold back my moans and proceeded to throw caution to the wind as far as my neighbors were concerned.

  Let them hear me because Callen sure as hell deserves to know how good he is making me feel.

  After making me see heaven and hear angels sing two more times, he finally followed me over the edge. His muscles quivered and he kissed me deeply as he came buried deep inside me.

  Collapsing next to my side after taking care of the condom, he held me close for what felt like hours. I snuggled into his side, my hand on his chest feeling his heartbeat returning to normal.

  “I would stay,” Callen murmured as he ran his fingers through my hair, “but there’s this other woman I need to get back to.”

  Despite my sleepy, sated state, I let out a laugh and gently smacked his chest. “You know, this is the only kind of circumstance I’m okay with you saying something like that.”

  “It’s the only circumstance in which I would say something like that,” he promised, his voice barely above a whisper and still oh-so-damn sexy. “I’d better get going. If I lie here any longer, I’m going to give in to the cellular wiring to go to sleep after having sex like that.”

  “Sex like what?” I asked, my lips curling into a smile as I sat up when he did.

  He shot me a pointed look and lifted a brow before bending over to grab his underwear and pants from the floor. “You know exactly what, but I’ll say it anyway. That was incredible, and I can’t wait to do it again.”

  “Who says you’re going to do it again?” I teased, bringing my knees up to my chest under the sheet and draping my arms around them.

  He pulled on his pants, then his shirt, unfortunately hiding that glorious body from my view while also rolling his eyes at me. “I say we’re going to do it again. A lot, as often as we can.”

  “Fine.” I blew out a breath in mock exasperation when in truth, there were all these bright, happy bubbles of joy floating through my insides. “If you insist. I suppose I could pencil you in. How’d you get Julia to watch Winter to give us this opportunity, though?”

  “I have to do something for her Friday night.” He leaned over and kissed my forehead, clearly just about ready to leave. “I’ll see you then, yeah?”

  “Yeah, I’ll be there.” Before he lifted his head away from mine, I grabbed it and kissed him again, a long, slow kiss full of passion and promise. I hated that he had to leave, but I understood why. So I stopped mauling his lips with mine eventually and gave him a pat on the butt. “Okay, you can go now.”

  “Thanks.” He chuckled, pressing his forehead to mine for a full minute as we just breathed each other in, all traces of humor disappearing. “I really am sorry I have to go, beautiful. Maybe, hopefully, one day, I won’t have to.”

  Chapter 21


  “We’re going to Julia’s party,” Winter sing-songed from her car seat in the back, the serene smile she’d been wearing all week still fixed to her face. I couldn’t say I didn’t like it, though.

  Winter was happier than I’d seen her in a long time, thanks in no small part to knowing Tiffeny was coming with us tonight. She’d also had a blast with Julia on Sunday night and had insisted that I take her to the mall with me to pick up a present for Julia, even when I told her I already had it handled.

  “Yeah, but remember what I said, okay?” Usually, I wouldn’t be taking Winter to a party at a bar with me. Especially if I had to perform. For however brief a period I was obligated to do it.

  I’d called ahead, though. There was no smoking area anywhere near where we’d be and the manager had assured me that although the place wasn’t labeled to be family-friendly, it wasn’t rowdy or rough either.

  Plus, Tiffeny and I had discussed it and she’d offered to help me take care of Winter. She also said she wouldn’t let her out of her sight while I was up onstage.

  While I knew it was frowned upon to take your baby to a bar, I was pretty excited to have her with us tonight. So was Tiffeny. No one was more excited than Winter, though.

  “Yes, Daddy. I remember. Stay close to you or Tiffeny and I’m not allowed to talk to strangers.”

  “Good girl.” I grinned at her in the rearview mirror as we pulled up outside of Tiffeny’s house.

  She was waiting for us on her front porch. When she saw my car, she waved and walked up to meet us.

  As always, she took my breath away when I first saw her. She wasn’t wearing anything fancy, just jeans and a frilly purple top with sandals, but she was fucking stunning. Her hair was loose, framing her face and tumbling past her shoulders in shiny dark waves.

  She had on a little more makeup than I was used to seeing her in, her eyes lined with charcoal and her lids covered in shimmery, dark gray. It made her eyes stand out, and the overall effect was dazzling.

  “Hey,” she said when I climbed out of the car to greet her. “Thanks for picking me up.”

  “Anytime.” I drew her into a hug that ended far too soon. “Winter’s really excited to see you.”

  “I’m excited to see her, too.” Tiffeny got into the passenger seat, buckled up, and immediately turned to start chatting to my daughter while I took my place behind the wheel again.

  The girls talked all the way to the bar, where Julia had reserved space for us and her other guests in a small lot nearby. The weather was nice, the sun starting to set as we walked down the sidewalk. Winter held my hand in one of hers and Tiffeny’s in the other.

  “It always smells like the sea here,” she said. “Are we close to the beach?”

  “It’s just a couple of blocks that way.” Tiffeny jerked her head to the left, smiling as she looked down at Winter. “Do you like the smell of the sea?”

  “I love it.” Winter beamed. “I love Murple Beach.”

  “Myrtle, honey,” I corrected as gently as I could. “It’s Myrtle Beach with a T.”

  “Oh.” She giggled and nudged Tiffeny with her shoulder. “Do you like the smell?”

  “I do. It’s one of my favorites.” She met my eyes over Winter’s head and whispered, “Your smell, too.”

  Well, fuck if I could stop smiling after that. I’d used the same body spray since shortly after high school and rarely wore cologne. I preferred crisp and clean, and apparently so did Tiffeny.

  We pushed through the double glass doors into the bar Julia had rented out, and I laughed when I heard Clark’s voice coming through the speakers. I smirked at Tiffeny and nodded at the one closest to us. “This is one of our songs. Kraken, I mean.”

  Her eyes widened, but then she smiled and shook her head. “Go figure. I told you Julia was a huge fan of yours. I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s cued your music up to play all night.”

  “You made it,” Julia squealed with a huge grin. She threw her arms around Tiffeny first, then hugged Winter next. She just nodded at me, though. “Thanks for coming.”

  “Of course.” Tiffeny dug a small, gift-wrapped package out of her purse. “Happy birthday.”

  “Thanks.” Her eyes swept across the three of us, her lips curling into a knowing smile. “You know, you guys look good together.”

  Tiffeny’s cheeks flushed, but she didn’t reply. Winter had been carrying our gift in her fluffy backpack and was too preoccupied trying to find it in between all the coloring books and toys that we’d brought to be paying much attention.

  Before I could even begin to formulate how to reply to that, Winter found the gift and presented it proudly to Julia. “This is from Daddy and me.”

  “Thanks, sweetheart. Thanks Callen. You want me to open it now?”

  Winter nodded enthusiastically, practically bouncing as she watched Julia rip right through the paper. “It’s a bracelet,” she blurted out before Julia had even opened the box it came in. “It has a music-note charm on it. Daddy said you like music. I pick
ed out the nail polish charm.”

  Julia cracked open the box and her hand flew to her chest. “This is gorgeous. Thank you, guys.”

  “You’re welcome,” I said, “but you might want to have a look at what else is hiding in the wrapping paper.”

  Julia frowned, shaking out the paper. The album I’d slid in beneath the box fell out, but she caught it in her hand before it fell. She recognized it immediately and let out a shrill, short scream when she noticed what set it apart from whatever albums of ours she might have had already.

  “You had everyone sign it?” she asked me with eyes wider than they should have been able to go without her eyeballs falling out.

  I shrugged. “I mean, I do keep in touch with the other guys. It’s no big deal.”

  “No big deal?” she squealed again before tackling me in a hug. “This is a huge deal. Thank you so much.”

  It really wasn’t a huge deal, but arguing about it wouldn’t get me anywhere. Despite the fact that I was technically repaying her favor tonight, I’d wanted to do something nice for her.

  Thanks to her agreeing to watch Winter on Sunday, I’d had a great fucking night that I wouldn’t forget for as long as I lived. The sight of Tiffeny’s lips wrapped around my cock and the sound of her moans in my ears had been… Just. Fuck.

  Julia ran off with the album after fastening the bracelet to her wrist and thanking us again. Tiffeny leaned into my side. “That was really awesome of you to do for her.”

  I lifted one of my shoulders in another shrug, but a corner of my mouth inched up. “She should be thanking you, really.”

  She laughed and bumped my shoulder with hers. “If you mean what I think you mean, you’re welcome. I’ll be sure to let her know that gift was really from me.”

  Reclaiming Winter’s hand, she nodded toward the bar. “I’m going to get us something to drink. You want anything?”

  “Just a water, thanks,” I said.

  I trailed after them to the bar, staying close to Winter throughout the night, but Tiffeny was the one really taking care of her. She got her juice or water whenever she wanted, walked her to the bathroom, made sure she ate, and sat with her while she did.

  The way she was looking after her was with as much dedication and devotion as if Winter was her own daughter. It made my heart soar and clench at the same time, but before I could give it much thought, my name was being called from the stage.

  “You guys good?” I asked one last time before I took the stage.

  Tiffeny grinned with her arm around Winter’s shoulders. “We’re great. We’ll be right here cheering you on. It’s your turn to repay the favor, superstar. Rock our socks off.”

  I groaned, shaking my head at her. “You’re not even wearing any socks, but that’s not the point. No one says that anymore.”

  “I do.” She shimmied her shoulders, laughing as she waved me off. “Go on. We’ll be fine.”

  I put up my hands in surrender. “Fine, fine. I’m going. See you soon.”

  The gathered crowd parted for me as I made my way to the stage. I’d stowed my guitar there earlier in the afternoon when the owner had insisted I come by for a very fast soundcheck, so it was waiting for me in its stand.

  I picked it up and slung the strap over my shoulder. Walking to the microphone, I channeled Clark and wrapped my fingers around it when I stepped up. “What’s going on, guys?”

  Julia’s friends and family cheered. Some screamed while others whistled or waved their arms. Although the audience was much smaller than I’d been playing to for the last few years, I felt that thrill I’d been missing up onstage as I watched them.

  “We’re all here to celebrate Julia’s birthday. I haven’t known her all that long, but she’s a great girl, and I’m honored to be sharing the day with her.” More cheers. “Okay, so I’ve been told Hallowed Nights is a favorite of hers, so I’m going to give it a try by myself tonight. You might have to bear with me, seeing as how I’m not Clark and I don’t have any of the boys here to back me up, but I’m going to give the acoustic version of our first hit song my best shot.”

  The crowd went mad, only quieting down when I started strumming the first bars. I’d always loved this song, and it flowed out of me freely and easily, like the last time I’d played it had been this morning instead of months ago.

  I’d written it about those early nights when Clark and I had still been trying to get a band together, the nights we’d stayed up drinking, dreaming, and talking shit until the birds started chirping outside. Great memories.

  The majority of the audience sang along to every word and the experience was strangely haunting and humbling in a way I’d forgotten intimate crowds could be. By the time I played the last note, I was solidly in the zone and enjoying myself too much to stop now.

  “Guess you liked that even without the full band, huh?” I smirked, still trying to channel Clark’s effortless charm with the audience.

  Judging by their wild reaction, faking it till I made it seemed to be working. “I was only supposed to play one song tonight, but there’s another one I’d like to do if that’s okay with you.”

  My question was greeted by an overwhelmingly positive response and my smirk morphed into a genuine smile. “This next one isn’t well known. In fact, you’ll be the first people outside of my family and best friend to hear it. I wrote it for my daughter, Winter. She’s here tonight and she’ll be the only person here who can sing along to it, but I hope you like it anyway. It’s called String Bean. Here we go.”

  There was a reason I’d never put this song up for release, even though Clark had begged me to. It was deeply personal, about my feelings after Winter was born and how she’d been so small and skinny.

  Playing it now felt good, though. Letting these strangers into my innermost thoughts and fears when I’d first become a father wasn’t daunting. It was freeing.

  When the last note faded, more than a few people—men included—were wiping their eyes and nodding. I lifted my guitar off and set it back on its stand. “Thank you for having me, thank you for listening to me, and happy birthday to our guest of honor, Julia.”

  The woman in question was standing with Tiffeny and Winter when I made my way back to them. She sniffled and gave me a hug. “Thank you for that. You were amazing.”

  “Thanks.” I released her and picked Winter up before finally looking fully at Tiffeny for the first time after she’d heard me play. Her eyes were misty and her smile soft. “So, what did you think?”

  “You’re incredible,” she said. “You should definitely sing more often. I love Winter’s song. It’s beautiful.”

  So are you. “Do you think I’ve successfully converted you to being a fan?”

  She rolled her eyes, but her lips spread into a wide smile. “You wish, but maybe. Do you have any other obligations here tonight?”

  “No,” I said. “I promised one song. I did two. Why?”

  She looked between Winter and me, the smile still on her lips. “What do you guys say to some late-night ice cream? With the formalities done, the party’s bound to start getting out of hand. I don’t know about you, but I think I’d rather duck out before that happens.”

  A part of me suspected she was doing this for Winter, to get her out of here before the party really got into full swing, and I appreciated the hell out of that. “Late-night ice cream sounds great to me.”

  “And to me too,” Winter agreed, then surprised me when she bent in my arms and held hers out to Tiffeny instead. “Will you hold me? I liked sitting with you earlier.”

  “Of course.” Tiffeny glanced at me to check and, when I nodded, opened her arms and took Winter into them.

  It did strange things to me to see that, things I wasn’t sure how I felt about just yet.

  Chapter 22


  I flipped the lights on when we walked into my shop, then swept my arm out ahead of me and grinned down at Winter. “The kingdom is yours, my dear. What do you want t
o do first?”

  “Anything?” she asked, clear blue eyes wide and excited.

  I nodded. “Anything at all.”

  Her head swung from side to side as she considered her options. “I want to make a new flavor.”

  “Sure, what flavor?” I asked as I led her around the counter to the machines.

  Callen followed after us. “Are you really going to give a three-year-old free rein? Because that seems dangerous to me.”

  “Blueberry and Mint Choc Chip,” she said, ignoring Callen’s warning. “We’ll call it Blue Chip.”

  I sent a wink to Callen and nodded at Winter. “One Blue Chip coming up.”

  Grabbing one of my sample cups, I opened the display case and mixed a small scoop of each requested flavor. “Try it first. Then tell us what you think.”

  Winter took the cup and lifted the small plastic spoon to her mouth, savoring the flavor before bouncing enthusiastically. “It’s good. Try it.”

  Callen and I exchanged a look. Then he took two more sample cups off the stack and handed them over. “You might have created a monster. The least you can do is share in the torment.”

  “Fair enough.” I laughed but mixed us a Blue Chip each and passed his cup to him. “Cheers. I look forward to seeing what we’re trying next.”

  He held his cup between us for me to clink mine against it, doing the same with Winter before taking his first bite. I took mine, too.

  And honestly? It was better than I thought it would be but still gross.

  Callen pulled a face and set his cup down. “Let’s try again, sweetheart. I’m not sure about blueberry and mint.”

  Winter had polished off all of hers. She shrugged at her father. “It wasn’t that bad.”

  Banana and mint was worse, as was cookies and cream with hazelnut, butternut and fig. I laughed at the last one and set down my cup. “You know, I think it would be fine without the fig.”