Mister Big Stuff: A Single Mom Friends to Lovers Novel Page 11
I thought of Allison panting beneath me as I shot my load deep inside of her. I hoped she was on the pill, and I wondered if I should have asked. Fuck it, it felt amazing, and I’d never gone raw with anyone but her before.
“You look like you’ve got a lot on your mind, friend. Is that why you called me down here and forced me to play?”
I stopped at the first hole and grabbed my club. “It’s Allison.”
“Aww. Are you still pining away for some of that pussy? Poor guy. The great white buffalo strikes again, huh?” He gave a syrupy chuckle, and I wanted to punch him in the teeth.
Instead, I thought I’d put him in his place. “For your information, I had her moaning on my desk yesterday.”
His eyes lit with surprise. “No shit? You bagged buffalo girl?”
“You act like it’s the first time.” I teed my ball and took a swing.
“I’m happy for you. I just thought you’d keep it purely professional since you’re her boss.”
“Fuck, I am, aren’t I?” I’d never given much thought to office romances. Or any romance for that matter. Only with her.
“Oh, yeah,” he said. “Let the awkward begin. You get to face her every day. Work with her. I hope it’s going to work out.”
“Why wouldn’t it? We have a past, and we’re friends. We’ll always be friends. Besides, I’m head over heels for Sierra, too. I could be a father to that kid. She makes me want it, you know. The whole family thing.”
We continued through the course and kept talking between plays. “Have you ever thought you might be?”
“Might be what? Her father?” I shook my head. “It’s not possible. She’s six, and the last time we fucked was…” I counted off the years, and my heart started to pound. “There’s no way. Allison would have told me.”
Greyson didn’t look like he was convinced, but I knew Allison, and she wasn’t that kind of a woman. “Does she look like you? Have your eyes, your smile, or something?”
I imagined Sierra’s little face, so much like her mother’s, but a bit rounder, almost like my mother’s, though it could have been her age. But those eyes, the dark blue, was a rare shade, and even though Allison had said she had blue eyes like her father’s, they were a perfect match to my eye color. Her posture was mine. The set of her little jaw and the question in her brow were all mine.
“You have thought about it,” Greyson said.
“No, not until now. But damn, I guess it’s possible. Allison and I lost our virginity together when we were younger. I was a senior, her a junior, but we’d used protection. The condom had broken, popped off my cock like a fucking rubber band, and hit her in the face. Talk about your fucking amateurs; but I took it slow, pulled out, popped our cherries. But it never happened again. Not until that night after prom. We both wanted it so badly then, and neither of us had protection. But since we’d gotten lucky before, we didn’t use anything. We were stupid, horny kids.”
“Did you pull out?”
“Fuck no.” I never wanted to leave that tight, warm hole, and it all happened so fast that I just let it happen. Allison hadn’t even cared.
“Dude, you’re so that kid’s father.” He gave me a teasing grin.
But I wasn’t laughing. My heart raced, pounding in my chest at the thought that I could have had a daughter all this time and never known. Had Allison hid it from me? Considering what an asshole Doug had been and the way she put up with him, I doubted it. She had to think he was Sierra’s father to put up with him.
“Maybe. I left to go back to the Air Force after that, thinking I’d go back for her one day, but months down the road, I heard she was pregnant and getting married. I assumed she was happy. Who was I to fuck with that, you know? I wanted it for her. I wanted her happiness more than my own. Over the years, we just lost touch.”
God what a fool I’d been. I should have never lost touch. I should have asked her to wait for me that night.
“Do you think Allison knows?” he asked. “Maybe that’s why she let you take her to the Career thing?”
“No, Sierra asked me that herself and Allison wasn’t sure about it. With that deadbeat asshole in the picture, I’m sure she would have told me already.”
Greyson stopped lining up his swing and put his hand on my shoulder. “Fuck. You could have a daughter, man. What are you going to do?”
“I don’t know.” I didn’t know what I was supposed to do, but I’d have to ask Allison more about the timeframe. With me leaving, I didn’t know when she found out she was pregnant, or if they’d had tests done before their marriage or when it came time to go to court for the divorce. Was there proof?
While Allison had been in my mind all night and morning, it was Sierra’s little face that haunted me now. She’d tugged at my heartstrings from the first moment she’d walked up and taken my hand.
“She hates oatmeal cookies,” I said, after taking another swing.
“Who the fuck doesn’t?” He shrugged. “Have you ever bitten into one of those thinking it was chocolate chip? That’ll fuck you right up, man. Instant disappointment. I swear it’s the cause of trust issues in children, like when your mother tells you she didn’t put onions in the meatloaf, but you can see the larger pieces, so you know she’s lying.”
I didn’t want to get into his mother issues, especially while he was wearing his pink plaid that the stripper had bought him.
“Yeah, but my point is, I used to hate them,” I said. “My sister loves them and so did Allison. Missy told Allison that they were my favorite to fuck with me, but then Allison made them like once a week for me. I ate so many of those fucking cookies that I actually like them now. But Sierra said she hates them.”
“Maybe it means something; maybe it doesn’t. But you know what’s foolproof? DNA, baby. DNA. Have a test done, man. Steal her straw or something.”
I laughed at the absurdity. “I can’t do that. I have to talk to Allison first. See if it’s even possible. I don’t know when Sierra’s birthday is. The math might be way off.”
“What are you going to do if she is? That guy thinks he’s the daddy, and I assume he’s paying his fair share of child support. He might sue Allison.”
“I’d assume responsibility, of course, and I’d just throw some money at him and tell him to fuck off. From the sound of it, the guy doesn’t want to be a father anyway and come to think of it, I’d likely beat his ass for the way he’s treated my girls.” The thought of the other man having more authority than me in their lives made me sick, and my game was suffering.
When we were done, I walked him to his car.
“I can’t believe I actually skunked your ass,” Greyson said.
“You had me so worked up with the whole daughter thing, I couldn’t fucking concentrate, so I don’t want to hear it.”
“Hey, I don’t care how it happened. It happened, and I’m going to rub it in until it hurts.”
“I’ll fire you.”
His laughter called my bluff. “You will not. You wouldn’t know what to do without me, and don’t think I don’t know it.”
“Yeah, true. And don’t you think I don’t either, buddy.” There were days I wanted to go against my father’s wishes and leave the company to Greyson. Maybe one day I would.
“Hey, I know those girls mean a lot to you, man. Don’t miss out on her again. You’ve got to get that DNA test if the dates are close, and if it turns out that she’s not biologically yours, you can still be in her life, and you’d be a hell of a lot better than that asshole she has now. Don’t give up.”
Seeing their faces in my mind, I knew there was no way I’d give up on either of them again. But first, I had to talk to Allison and figure out my path.
Another thought came to mind. What if Allison did know? What if putting up with Doug was her way of giving me room to explore my dreams? She’d wanted me to pursue them so badly, and had even told me she didn’t want to be what stood in the way. I thought it was her way of letting me down e
asy and letting me off the hook, but what if it was true? What if being with Doug was another of her selfless sacrifices? She didn’t have a malicious bone in her, but what if it wasn’t maliciousness at all? My mind reeled through the possibilities, but in the end, the outcome was the same: Sierra was my girl.
I hoped it was true.
Chapter 18
Sierra hadn’t shut up about David or his Career Day presentation since I picked her up the day before, and as we rode back to my parents’ house for a little Saturday girl time, she was still going on and on.
It wouldn’t have been so awkward if I didn’t have thoughts of my own about David running through my mind. Naked thoughts, orgasmic thoughts, thoughts that had been on my mind throughout the night and had me three fingers deep by bedtime.
I fanned myself, cracking a window to let the cooler air into the cab.
“And then he showed us the funny commercials, and the other kids laughed. I got invited to Dylan’s birthday, and his uncle shook David’s hand. His was the best presentation, and everyone loved the Jeep. Dylan wanted me to see if David would bring it to the party. Can he, Mama?”
“I don’t know, honey. Isn’t Dylan the little boy you bit?”
“Yeah, but his uncle told him I did it because I liked him, so he said he forgives me.”
“And you told him you liked him?” I gave her a sideward glance. My little girl needed a long talk about boys. And as I turned into my parents’ driveway, I wondered if my mother would give us both one.
“I told him it might be true. He said it’s okay if it was.” She jumped out of the car before I could shut it off, so I climbed out once I had and walked to the door, which she’d left open as she’d went inside.
“No running in the house, Sierra.”
“That rule only applied to you, cupcake.” Daddy sat in his chair with his feet up.
I went in to hug him and then put my hands on my hips. “How’s that fair?”
“She’s our grandchild. The rules are different.” He gave me a wink.
“I still don’t want her running in the house, or she’ll do it at home.”
“I make no promises to discipline her,” he said, holding up his hands.
“Hey, honey, want to come into the kitchen?” my mother asked. “I’m making a pie, and I have chicken salad on for lunch.”
“Sure,” I said. “I’ll boil the eggs.”
“Already one step ahead of you. So, tell me. How was your first week?”
I blushed, the red in my cheeks a dead giveaway.
“Uh oh,” she said. “You’re not going to start baking oatmeal cookies again, are you?”
“Is it that obvious? It doesn’t help that this one won’t stop talking about him.”
Sierra hugged her grandmother. “Mommy missed all the excitement. Did you know that David’s really rich, Grandma?”
“I’ve heard a rumor or two.” She turned and gave me a wink.
“Yeah, the other fathers said he had million-billions, and he owns most of our TVs, too!”
“He makes commercials and ads, sweetheart,” I said. “It’s not exactly the same thing as owning our TVs. And what did I say about talking about money?”
“Yes, ma’am. But it’s true.” She climbed up to the bar and stuck her finger in the pie filling, and my mother smiled. She’d always let me taste the filling, too, and I knew if I discouraged Sierra, I’d be a hypocrite.
“It is true, but let’s talk about something else, okay?” I asked.
“Okay.” She turned to my mother. “David’s Jeep was warm. He had the heater on full blast, and he told me to sit on my hands. When I got out, my nose was only a little cold, but nothing else. I want a Jeep when I grow up, too. But I want a red one with my name on the top.” She tilted her head and gave me a curious look. “Do girls drive Jeeps too, Mama?”
“Yes, they can drive whatever they want, just like boys.”
“I’m not sure who has the bigger crush on him, you or Sierra.” My mother laughed, and Sierra didn’t miss a beat until my father called her in to watch TV.
“She’s gone on and on about him,” I said. “I’m kind of worried. I don’t want her to get hurt.” Like I had.
“You should really consider pursuing something with that man. I mean, I know you two have been friends your whole lives, and you can’t deny the massive crush on you, but this is your second chance. You might not get a third, and he’s got your family’s approval.”
“You think so?” I couldn’t tell her about the naughty things I’d done in the office, and I felt like a bad girl just thinking them in her presence.
“Well, certainly. He’s a good man, and frankly, I’m ready for you to have another man in your life; someone who will look out for the two of you and protect you. He’s certainly capable, and if my instincts are correct, he’d be up for it.”
“I’m not sure about that. Based on our track record. He’s had other chances, Mom.” I thought of the past, hoping I wasn’t setting myself up for more disappointment; another fuck and run. And worst of all, Sierra had gotten so attached to him so quickly.
What if he moved on to someone else? All the more reason to go for it this time.
“What you should do is ask him what he’s doing for Thanksgiving and invite him to dinner here with us. We could have a nice dinner, and then you and he could take a walk down your old bike path.”
“I don’t know. He probably has family stuff.”
Sierra came into the room and climbed back up to the bar. My mother turned to her. “Don’t you think your mama should ask David to Thanksgiving dinner?”
Sierra let out a howling cheer. “Yes! Please, Mama! Can he come?”
I couldn’t believe she’d pulled such a tactic. “Fine, I’ll ask. But I’m not pressuring him to change his plans, which, I’m sure he already has.”
As Sierra cheered some more, I went out on the back porch and sat in the swing that David had asked me to go to my prom in. We’d stepped out for some fresh air and to catch up, and he’d told me Missy had told him that I didn’t have a date. I’d never felt so pathetic and relieved all at once. Doug had been supposed to take me, but with us fighting, he’d canceled on me a week before. I’d already bought a dress and everything.
I could remember several times when David had come to my rescue. One time, he’d even battled a wasp nest and lost. It had turned up in a matter of days in my playhouse, and he donned a hockey mask and some bike pads to knock it down and spray it. One flew out so fast, popping him in the cheek near his eye, that he never saw it coming.
Another time, he’d stood up to some older boys that had taken my ball from the yard, and he made them give it back, although one of the kids had punched him in the stomach and made him throw up.
I dialed Katrina’s number, knowing I needed to talk to someone about what had happened in David’s office.
“I thought you’d forgotten me.” Katrina’s voice was loud, and there was radio noise in the background, which meant she had me on speaker phone and she was most likely driving.
“Are you on your way to work?”
“Nope, I just got off. I’m going home and soaking my feet. How’s your new gig?”
“Well, I hate to gush.” I didn’t think she’d want to hear about how wonderful my new job was when her feet were hurting from hers.
Her laughter rang through the phone. “Go ahead, gush away. I need to live through you. My life had been boring as hell lately.”
“It’s been great. You missed out on Sierra yesterday at the diner. She hoped to see you there.”
“Aww, damn. Did she come in with your parents?”
“No, actually, she was with David. He brought her in for a milkshake after Career Day. Seems he’s the big hero in her life at the moment.”
“And what is he to you? Have you two been getting along?” The way she sang the question, like a child on the playground teasing, made me giggle. “Oh, that giggle wasn
’t a denial. Someone’s been getting chummy with the new boss, right?”
“Don’t maybe your best friend. It’s not healthy. Now, spill what you have to tell me before I go nuts.”
“We may have gotten intimate.”
“You spent the night with him? Or was this a ‘slutty, under the desk blowjob’ kind of thing?”
“It was over the desk, and it didn’t stop at a blowjob.” I kept my eyes on the door, and my voice low as if my father could hear me through the brick.
“You filthy little slut; fucking the boss.” She belted out a laugh. “Damn, I want your life.”
“It was so sudden. One minute, he comes in, telling me about Sierra’s Career Day and how she hugged him, and the next, he’s hugging me with his tongue down my throat.”
“Nice. Is he even hotter now or what?”
“He’s definitely more experienced, and he’s really filled out, too. I mean, he was always big, but he really puts Doug to shame.”
“I can’t believe you never got around more. Time to make up for it with some steamy office rendezvous, right?”
“I’m not sure if it’s going to happen again or not. With our track record, he’s bound to leave the country, and I’ll never hear from him again.”
“No. This is your chance. He’s so into you. And I was thinking. You know how you said he didn’t have anywhere to put you? What if he just created the position to get you back in his life?”
“He wouldn’t do that. I’m sure the position was necessary. From the sounds of things, Greyson has been holding his hand, and not only doing the CEO duties, but an assistant’s as well.”
“Oh, well. Regardless, you’re fucking the boss. How does that feel? I bet you could already ask for a raise.”
“I won’t press my luck. I’ll settle for more sex and a relationship.”
“I think you’re on your way. I don’t think he’d be fucking you if he planned to can your ass. Besides, it sounds like he’s already trying to win Sierra’s heart.”